Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blog 1

A health issue that I am most concerned about is diabetes. I love food, I love to cook and try new things and they always say that the stuff that tastes real good is what’s worse for you and that worries me. I used to be a very heavy soda drinker and sweet eater but after my grandma was diagnosed with diabetes it kind of shook me. I took my grandma to many of her doctor’s appointments and saw what she went through. During this one appointment I went through her one of her pamphlets and noticed that I had some of the beginning signs of diabetes.  It’s amazing how when it comes to health and your body, you reap what you sow. This led to a change in me to want to be healthier and have better control of what I put in my body. Honestly to this day it’s a big struggle for me to eat better and be disciplined.
What health issues you are most concerned about? Why?
Sarah Fernandez, 19yrs old:
            “Obesity because it seems to be a undeniably prominent issue within the United States. It is not uncommon to go outside, whether it be school, the store, or just for a walk at the park and see people struggling with obesity. L
Maria Fernandez, 43years old:
            “The effects of stress due to running a business, being a mother and wife. I have experienced many of the side effects of stress such as weight gain and migraines.”

My concern is relatively similar to my sister Sarah’s concern of obesity. I believe diabetes and obesity have similar negative effects on your health. However, in regards to my mom’s health concern of stress, I haven’t reached that point in life where I have those same issues of being a mother and running a business and the mental stress that would affect your body. 


  1. Mandy I was also fond of cooking and eating sweets. My both grandparents were diagnosed with diabetes then I realised prevention is better than cure so I started doing exercises and choosing healthy food. Now, I feel more healthy.

  2. It is really hard to resist certain foods that are "bad for you". I am also guilty of eating things that aren't the best for my health but we are all human and no one is perfect. I could see why diabetes would be a concern because I too have have family history of diabetes and a lot of times it is hereditary. I feel that stress can be a huge factor in people gaining weight or not making the best food choices. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Mandy,
    Yes diabetes is a big concern! My husband is type one diabetic and it can get really hard sometimes. I was just like you, very big on sweets until I was pre-diabetic! That was scary! I was determined that I was not going to go that path. I started eating healthier and less sweets. I still have a sweet tooth. I can feel for you when you say that it’s a struggle to eat healthy and be discipline. The United States has so many choices but they are making it hard to eat healthy because it’s so expansive and unhealthy food is cheaper. I am just glad to hear that you were able to start in the new path after suffering the pain for your grandmother. Sometimes experiences teach us a new path in life. I do agree with your mother and sister as well. Obesity is the major concern in the US and its actually number one diseases that leads to diabetes.

  4. Mandy,

    Good for you for making a conscious effort to better your health. The first step of every journey is knowing your destination. I also love sweets, good food and good wine. I would go out to eat every night if I could! Like you, I am making an effort to eat healthier foods, exercise more and focus on what is best for my health.
    I believe that if you continue to follow your diet and exercise as much as possible your risk for getting diabetes will go wayyyy down. Good luck on your journey! You are an inspiration to many people striving to better their health.

  5. I understand you because I love to eat myself and the past year i had to change somethings. Your blog entry really touched me because I have many people in my family with diabetes and high blood pressure and when I take my Grandfather to the doctor he does not like to take his medicine and it hurts me that he does not follow directions. I hope everything gets better with you and family

  6. Hello Mandy,

    Your post is really helpful for those who are sweet eaters because some have never been or listened to advisors since they see advisors as people who want to stop them rather than help them. Goodluck to you !

    Dao Ta
